Saubermacher tarafından yürütülen ecotour

19.Jun 2019

Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG is Austria‘s leading private waste management and recycling company and a complete provider in the disposal and recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Saubermacher was founded in 1979 and now employs around 3,200 people in six different countries, serving around 42,000 customers and 1,600 municipalities.

The ECOTOUR through the plastic sorting plant at the Puchstraße location in Graz offers exciting insights into the recycling world for young and old. The tours have been taking place since 2011 in cooperation with the „Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft“, an initiative of the Styrian Provincial Government. The goals are to create transparency, increase environmental awareness and show waste management in practice.


In the plastics-sorting plant, approx. 32,000 tons of plastic waste are automatically separated into 14 fractions per year and processed with a purity of around 98% for further recyclingor energy generation. Around 90% of the delivered materials are fed into an environmentally friendly material cycle in the spirit of the „ZeroWaste“ concept of Saubermacher.

Every year around 1200 visitors are guided through the company premises and can experience the individual steps of sorting and the various machines up close. In addition to school classes, students, pensioner’s associations and international guests, even the EU environment ministers visited the Saubermacher plant in October 2018.

In order to ensure that that the ECOTOUR participants do not miss anything during a guided tour, Saubermacher has been working with GroupyCompany since January 2019. In addition to the wide range of applications, the good sound quality and thelong battery life of the devices are particularly convincing. Also to be highlighted is the excellent service. Overall, we are very satisfied with the new audiosystems. (Magdalena Setz, BSc – Saubermacher)

We are very pleased about the successful cooperation with Saubermacher and can highly recommend to visit the really exciting and instructive Ecotour!

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